Saturday, July 18, 2009


...i was watching an episode of BONES online, and this popped into my head. hmm?


Tuesday, May 26, 2009


...yea, so i haven't posted in MONTHS! so here's a quick summary of a few of my favorite illustrations i did over these past few months:

this one is an illustration of my employer, who wrote a book (The Essential Business Handbook: The Nuts & Bolts of Getting Up and Running Fast), and this is one of the many poses i drew. i was feeling during the time i drew this.

and last, but not least, was something i did on the fly for my super special (awesome) friend, mae, for her birthday. yes, it's another fashionista in headphones, but that's what she likes (^_^)


Thursday, February 12, 2009

JUST A WEE BIT MORE... i made a few changes to what beth wanted. so lo and behold i present to you beth 3.5!


Monday, February 9, 2009

GETTING THERE the character is getting closer to being finished. beth and i found a look that we both liked, and so after some tweaking, beth 3.0 was born. im going to do this over, but with less lines (folds/wrinkles). i want it to look sleek and simple.


Thursday, January 29, 2009


...another update on my sketches of beth. her and i liked how this one turned out, so i'll be working from this.


Sunday, January 25, 2009


...well not exactly, but it has been quite a many moons since i posted something. im finished with school, took a long, and well deserved break, and now im back with something new.

im currently doing some freelance illustration for an easier "idiot's guide to starting up a business." my employer wants me to draw a cartoon version of herself that will be on each chapter title. here's one example of where im going with this.
